Day 4

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Time flies when you’re having fun! (Time slows down 😖 when you’re training your ML model.) Believe it or not, today is our last day 🥺😭 together.

Last time, you discussed how ML could help your community, then you trained 👩🏽‍🏫 and launched 🚀 your own custom ML application! Today, we’ll talk about how this powerful technology can go wrong and how to responsibly design Artificial Intelligence. At our last session in the afternoon, we’ll have a panel of students from the Navajo Nation and elsewhere to talk about what’s next for you on your journey to becoming a machine learning expert! (Teachers will meet separately to discuss takeaways and how to implement ML modules in their high school courses.)

Responsible AI

Led by Susan, Harvard

What’s Next?

Led by You! The grand finale with special guests!